
The Old in the New: Understanding How the New Testament Authors Quoted the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Evangelical scholarship has had over fifty years of extensive (and at times, heated) discussion over the usage of the Old Testament in New Testament. However, now with the appearance of professor Vlach’s book The Old in the New: Understanding How the New Testament Authors Quoted the Old Testament, perhaps we have now come to a grand summary of that extensive dialogue.

The use of the Old Testament (hereafter “OT”) in the New Testament (hereafter “NT”) is a vast topic. So where should we begin? We begin with an explanation of key concepts related to how the NT writers and persons quoted and used the OT. Below are strategic definitions and statistics. There are approximately 350 quotations of the OT in the NT.1 But what is a quotation in this context? G. K. Beale explains: “A quotation is a direct citation of an OT passage that is easily recognizable
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